September 24, 2002

Maintaining pressure on Iraq, President Bush insisted again that the UN approve a "strong resolution" to ensure "the old ways of deceit are gone." At a rally in Trenton, N.J., Bush also urged lawmakers to finish work on a Department of Homeland Security, but warned he wouldn't accept legislation that doesn't grant him expanded authority to hire, fire, and reassign its personnel. The Senate, where majority Democrats oppose such demands, begins voting Tuesday on parts of the bill.

Bush was in New Jersey to raise money for the Senate campaign of Douglas Forrester, one of three such events this week. The president has raised some $117 million for Republican candidates so far this year.

"The worst of the corporate scandals is behind us," Treasury Secretary O'Neill declared, with executives who certify false books facing "certain" jail time. His remarks, for a speech to the Chamber of Commerce in Lexington, Ky., were released in advance to the news media. They came as The New York Times reported that some Tyco International board members knew of controversial pay packages for top executives, contradicting the board's previous claims.

The index of leading economic indicators fell 0.2 percent in August to 111.8, the Conference Board reported. It was the third straight monthly drop in the index, considered a key gauge of economic activity.

A new law that authorizes embryonic stem cell research was signed by California Gov. Gray Davis (D) Sunday. Such research is strongly opposed by antiabortion groups, and President Bush last year restricted federal funding for it last year. Supporters of the measure say it will lure scientists to the state to help seek medical cures for a variety of disorders.

Anticipating the arrival of hurricane Isidore, residents of coastal Louisiana were boarding up their homes and stocking up on supplies. The storm caused at least four deaths, the evacuation of 70,000 people, flooding, and power blackouts Monday in Mexico's Yucatan peninsula. Forecasters expect Isidore to turn north and say it could reach the US – anywhere from Texas to western Mississippi – by the end of the week.

NBC shows "The West Wing" and "Friends" won best drama and comedy series, respectively, at the 54th annual Primetime Emmy Awards in Los Angeles Sunday. "The West Wing," set in the White House, also garnered three acting awards. Jennifer Anniston of "Friends" took best comedy actress; Ray Romano of CBS's "Everybody Loves Raymond," won best actor in a comedy. The awards are presented by the Academy of Television Arts and Sciences.