
June 3, 2003

Vowing to "put in as much time as necessary," President Bush flew to the Middle East Monday to begin his deepest direct involvement in peace efforts between Israel and the Palestinians. But he said he "fully understand[s] this is going to be a difficult process." As he prepared to meet Wednesday with their respective prime ministers, Israeli security went into high-alert mode in Jerusalem, having received 57 warnings of Palestinian terror attacks.

Recruiting for the replacement Army of Iraq will begin by month's end, US civilian administrator Paul Bremer said. But the task appeared likely to be challenging as thousands of former soldiers from Saddam Hussein's military had to be kept at bay in Baghdad, where they demanded unpaid wages and threatened suicide attacks against Americans if they were denied. They also sought to thwart any move to form a replacement force. They dispersed after being promised a meeting with Bremer's staff.

Stores and other businesses were closed in Zimbabwe's capital on Day One of the scheduled week-long antigovernment protest. But attempts by participants to hold marches were met with beatings, tear gas, and warning shots fired by police and soldiers. Opposition leader Moran Tsvangirai, already on trial for treason, was rearrested and charged with contempt of court for organizing the protest.

The largest labor union movement in Peru plans a massive protest in the capital, Lima, Tuesday in defiance of President Alejandro Toledo's 30-day state of emergency. Similar rallies are expected by university students and others in Arequipa, the No. 2 city. Analysts said they would add to the pressure on Toledo, whose approval rating has sunk to about 15 percent nationally despite the fact that Peru has South America's fastest-growing economy. The protesters seek a range of concessions from the government, such as higher pay, lower taxes, and protection from imports.

With monsoon rains not expected until at least this weekend in India, authorities said the number of people who've died from a searing three-week heat wave has climbed to just under 1,000. On Sunday in Andhra Pradesh state, where temperatures reached 120 degrees F., administrators began an informational campaign, advising people to stay indoors between 10 a.m. and 5 p.m.

A new massacre in which as many as 352 people may have died was reported in northeastern Congo, and President Joseph Kabila said the heavily armed UN peacekeeping force due to arrive this week must stay longer than scheduled or "we will have problems everywhere" as soon as it leaves. The latest violence between rival Lendu and Hema tribesmen included an attack on a hospital, the reports said. The UN mission is due to end in September.