Reporters on the Job

October 28, 2005

Moose Tacos, Maybe? An invitation to a farewell party in Mexico piqued the interest of staff writer Danna Harman in the small, but growing trend of Mexican emigration to Canada. "There were all these Canadian flags," Danna recalls of the bon voyage decorations for Carral and Andreas Anhalt. Other efforts, however, to add a Canadian flair proved more difficult. "They tried to find Canadian rock stars for the deejay to play, but couldn't come up with any," says Danna. And far from poutine or moose meat, Mexican tacos were served. "Most Mexicans come up empty when they try to conjure up images of Canada," says Danna.

He's Down with 'Dinejad: During reporting on Iran's June election, staff writer Scott Peterson was pleasantly surprised to stumble across a young English-speaking Iranian with wrap-around shades who had voted for the fundamentalist candidate Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. Better yet, Mehdi Gomar had been working as an engineer on Iran's nuclear program, and was eager to explain his position - and the fact that he lived in the president-elect's neighborhood.

So Scott kept his phone number, and pulled it out this visit, while working on today's story exploring how Mr. Ahmadinejad can please Iranian youth.

"He arrived for the interview in a smart car, and a very smart suit with a 'hands-off' telephone earpiece hanging out of his pocket," says Scott. "His work had finished at the nuclear agency, but he had his future all mapped out - like many young Iranians, he knows what he wants," says Scott.

And of the man Mr. Gomar helped vote into office? Ahmadinejad still gets the benefit of the doubt with this voter, says Scott, "but every day that goes by with little action takes away some of the polish."

- Ben Arnoldy
Asia editor