Reporters on the Job

January 30, 2006

Run and Write: The mixed-gender road race in Lahore, Pakistan, was actually three races on Sunday, says correspondent Dave Montero. He began his day at the city's largest sports stadium to witness the start of the marathon. "It was very well organized. Anyone involved had a security pass with a photo ID," says Dave.

Later, he walked alongside a family participating in the 5 kilometer mixed-gender race. "Fortunately, I didn't have to run and take notes," he says, adding, the only running he did was the running around to set up an interview with one of the Ethiopian stars. "I had to make an appointment, and then I later caught up with her at dinner," he says.

As for the protesters, he never bumped into any of them. In fact, the only jostling he personally encountered was at the tea stand near the stadium. "The marching band took their tea break at the same time as I did, and I had to stand my ground at the tea stall."

Private School Mom: Today's story on the rise of private schools in Germany was born out of correspondent Isabelle de Pommereau's own efforts to find a school for her six-year-old daughter. "German public schools are fundamentally good. But they're strict about the age limits, and my daughter didn't turn six until after the school year started. She didn't want to spend another year in preschool," says Isabelle. "But there are hardly any private schools in the city. In the US, if you are willing to pay, you have choices. Here, that's not always the case."

The other benefit, says Isabelle, is that public school gets out at 12 or 1 p.m. "The mother has to be home to make lunch and care for the children. And that makes it hard to have a job, if you want a second income. Private schools keep children until later in the day," she says.

David Clark Scott
World editor