
No matter your politics, 'Following Sean' is a thoughtful journey past nostalgia into adult understanding.

July 27, 2007

Following Sean

(P.O.V. on PBS, July 31, 10 p.m.) Ralph Arlyck's bittersweet meditation on the idealism of youth and the compromises of adulthood is a clear-eyed valentine to the 1960s. As a young filmmaker in San Francisco's 1968 counterculture movement, he made a 15-minute film about a 4-year-old hippie child named Sean who smoked pot and ran barefoot. The short became a sensation. This PBS special, made from the perspective of Arlyck and Sean, who is now a union electrician and Berkeley grad, examines the fates of the colorful cast that populated Sean's world. No matter your politics, this is a journey past nostalgia into adult understanding. Grade: B+