Letters to the Editor
Readers write about the right to nuclear weapons, the media and war protests, and going green.
Abolish all nations' nuclear weapons
Regarding John Hughes's Nov. 7 Opinion piece, "One-on-one with Iran's opposition": I do not want Iran to get a nuclear bomb. I don't want any nation to have nuclear weapons. How can America, the only nation to set the precedent of dropping atomic bombs on another nation, say another country cannot have the bomb when its own nuclear-weapons stockpile is overflowing?
Our country should lead in getting all nations that have nuclear weapons to destroy them, ours included.
But since we know this will not happen, let Iran get the nuclear bomb. Iran will never use it, for if it does, Iran will be totally destroyed, and the rest of the world will go down with her.
The abolition of nuclear weapons should be on every nation's agenda.
Modern-day prophet Martin Luther King Jr. proclaimed, "We must learn to live together as brothers or perish together as fools."
Humankind has yet to learn that love always triumphs over fear. Is the "In God We Trust" on US currency a genuine expression of our faith or just another feel-good slogan?
Paul L. Whiteley, Sr.
Louisville, Ky.
Keep war protests off the media radar
In response to Jerry Lanson's Opinion piece, "Why protests: Why no coverage?": It sounds a bit self-serving when he complains about a lack of new antiwar coverage.
The news media are mostly responsible for the negative way most Americans view this war in the first place.
Do they really need to add a few thousand voices to the cacophony of journalistic "criticism"?
Al Qaeda in Iraq is reportedly on the wane. Many Iraqis themselves are turning on the terrorists. American and Iraqi soldiers are experiencing fewer casualties.
It is very possible that Iraq is turning the corner. Victory in Iraq is entirely possible.
And yet the drumbeat of denunciation and defeatism continues, especially from the Frank Riches and Maureen Dowds of the journalistic world.
Ten thousand protesters? More people show up to a New York City street fair on a rainy day.
To devote news space to such a low turnout would only confirm the suspicion held by many that the news media are biased against this administration and biased against this war.
But that wouldn't be news to me.
Anil Singh
New York
Teach people how to go green
In response to the Nov. 7 article, "In big US energy bill, who will pay?": The energy legislation being considered is a wonderful step in the right direction.
But an even easier and immediate step would be to educate people about what they can do right now.
Efficient use of the electricity in our homes and planning ahead when driving would not impose any costs, yet they would save energy consumption.
The old comedy bit about running the water while we brush our teeth is a case in point. How did that ever get started?
Perhaps television commercials with people changing their habits by turning off lights or making a list before going out shopping and then showing the energy savings at the end of the piece, might illustrate what little change multiplied by millions of people could save us as a nation.
We need to motivate people as we did in World War II with the recycling of tires, metals, and paper.
Janet Bondelid
Greenbank, Wash.
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