Letters to the Editor
Readers write about religion in the 2008 election, fiscal responsibility, home price in different climates, and spelling standards.
Leave religion out of the 2008 presidential race
In response to Jan Shipps's Dec. 11 Opinion piece, "What made Romney's big speech so Mormon?": Americans know people from all faiths or no faith, who attempt to live as best they know how. That is what religion really is, to try to see clearly, and then to treat others in a generous way.
It is un-American to see a person singled out for their religion, or for no religion. Americans believe in freedom and justice for all.
One comment I have heard is, "I don't care if someone is a Mormon or not. I care about the fact that I can't afford health insurance premiums for my family." I think it is good to keep what is really pertinent in this race, and keep religious tests out, just as the Constitution says we should.
Ken McHenry
Provo, Utah
Make fiscal responsibility a priority
Regarding the Dec. 10 article, "Housing: A crisis with staying power": What have we learned from the housing crisis as homeowners?
1. Don't buy a house just because you think the price will go up.
2. Save for at least a 20 percent down payment.
3. Get a fixed-rate mortgage.
4. Don't buy a house you can't afford.
5. Realize that prices will cycle up and down.
We see that if we stick to the tried-and-true methods, we're better off.
Looking at the bigger picture, I can see that all our booms and busts happen because there is speculation about future prices. If we could just stick to the fundamentals and buy things because we need them (and have the money for them), and not because we think we can make a huge profit later; if we can restrain ourselves from buying when prices are racing up; if we can restrain ourselves from jumping on the latest bandwagon when we know that something is not right, then we can save ourselves and possibly our nation from additional agony.
Pop the bubbles before they begin! Make fiscal responsibility a higher priority than making a quick buck, no matter how alluring the quick buck appears. It could help our nation immensely if we try to kill our inner envy of others and kill our inner desire to show off. These two things will always lead us astray, individually and collectively.
Michaela Stephens
Chandler, Ariz.
Home prices still fall in good climate
In response to the Dec. 10 article, "In Cape Coral, a boom gone sour": What can offset the housing pinch? Florida's popularity and good weather may limit how far home prices can fall. This is a very interesting idea.
Yet the state is being negatively affected by the housing crunch as well.
If Florida's good weather hasn't helped up to now, why should it start now?
Peter Bodziony
Brooklyn, N.Y.
National spelling bee sets examples?
Regarding the Nov. 26 article, "Reign in those vocal chords": This article struck a chord in my song of language. The author has my gratitude and respect for speaking out against the Oxford University Press for bringing spelling to the lowest common denominator by accepting common usage of incorrect spelling in its dictionaries. I was hopeful that the National Spelling Bee would set a good example for our youth by holding to standards. What will happen now – will the judges of these contestants have to accept both "reign" and "rein"?
What are we lovers of words and meanings to do?
Beverley Isaksen
Norfolk, Va.
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