A glimpse of Kindle 2.0

October 6, 2008

When I posted a blog about Sony's new e-reader this weekend, I had no idea that a day or two later I'd be getting a glimpse of Amazon's next-generation Kindle. (Or at any rate, that's what they tell me I'm looking at.)

Website Boy Genius Report has posted pictures of what they say are prototypes of the next edition of Amazon's Kindle. This new model seems a bit longer, a bit wider, has page forward/page back navigational flippers, and will work with a USB charger. (The current Kindle requires a separate charger.)

It's certainly not as pleasing to the eye as the Sony. (As Publishers Marketplace snarkily noted, it seems that Amazon is staying with the "my-brother-in-law designed it template.")

Unless Amazon has a surprise up its sleeve, however, you can't expect to see one under your Christmas tree this year. A BusinessWeek report this summer that the new Kindle would launch in October (with a $249 price tag) was quickly denied by Amazon.

It seems we'll be waiting at least until 2009 to see how this new Kindle stacks up against the other e-readers already out there.