140-character book reviews wanted

We're collecting 140-character book reviews – perfect for today's busy readers.

Do you have the skill required to reduce a book to 140 characters?


October 29, 2010

140-character book reviews? Why not? They're bite-sized and Tweet-able and perfect for over-programmed readers who mostly just want reviewers to cut to the chase.

Here are four examples received from Monitor readers:

@thebookmaven: “The Sweetness at the Bottom of the Pie: Alan Bradley's tween sleuth Flavia de Luce puts singular stamp on murder mystery. 4/5”

@lextenou (2 submissions)

“Frat boy using conjuration instead of the internet as boredom cure - fie! Literacy be damned! Marlowe's ‘Doctor Faustus.’”

“Taut, with swordplay and witches upon the moors - moving forests! Man not of woman born! "Macbeth" - the perfect play.”

@PM27: “S.K. Gaylord's Handmade Books for a Healthy Planet is a green inspiration! Reuse & upcycle at-home resources to make books!”

Please send us more. We'll collect them into a blog and publish.

Marjorie Kehe is the Monitor's book editor.

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