Michelle Obama's book on the White House garden coming in April
Michelle Obama, who's become known for her advocacy for healthy eating and exercise, will give tips to readers on how to start their own edible gardens.

Michelle Obama's first book, titled "American Grown: How the White House Kitchen Garden Inspires Families, Schools, and Communities," will be released in April.
First Lady Michelle Obama has said she often encounters questions about the White House garden when she travels around the world.
And now the garden, which is three years old and the first edible garden planted on the South Lawn since Eleanor Roosevelt’s Victory Garden, will be the subject of a new book by Obama titled “American Grown: How the White House Kitchen Garden Inspires Families, Schools, and Communities.” It will be released on April 10 by Crown Publishers, an imprint of the Crown Publishing Group that in turn is part of Random House, Inc.
According to the company’s press release, Obama, who has been an advocate for exercise and healthy eating, will discuss how her daughters Sasha and Malia caused the entire family to change their eating habits and how the ability to obtain cheap, healthy food can help families to improve their diets. “American Grown” will also offer ideas on how readers can create their own garden, support farmers’ markets, make minor changes to improve their health, and get involved in movements for community gardens as well as gardens in schools and cities. Recipes will also be included.
Obama did not accept an advance for the book, according to Crown Publishers, and the proceeds for “American Grown” will go to charity. The book will be issued in paper and electronic versions and will include photos of the garden at the White House as well as those all over the US. It will be Obama’s first book.
Molly Driscoll is a Monitor contributor.
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