New 'Game of Thrones' characters revealed
In season four, 'Game of Thrones' will introduce a myriad of new faces. Two new cast members have been announced.

The entire cast of 'Game of Thrones" from season one. Some are still with us, others will be replaced with new faces.
We're all waiting impatiently for season four of HBO series "Game of Thrones." Nothing new about that. What is new is the announcement about two new cast members – Mark Gatiss and Pedro Pascal – who will be joining the "GoT" family in season four.
The role of Mark Gatiss, who has had a hand in writing, producing, and acting in "Dr. Who" as well as playing Mycroft in "Sherlock," will be kept a surprise according to Entertainment Weekly. The point of this is probably to drive viewers insane. After all, the books' author, George R.R. Martin, makes a habit of keeping readers on the edge of their seats constantly. Why should it be any different for viewers?
Thanks again to Entertainment Weekly, we do know that Pedro Pascal will be playing Prince Oberyn Martell from Dorne. He is also widely known as The Red Viper. Series creators David Benioff and Dan Weiss said that finding someone to play the “sexy and charming, yet believably dangerous; intensely likable, yet driven by hate” Red Viper was not exactly a walk in the park. Happily, they have succeeded.
Pedro Pascal is a veteran of TV series such as "Graceland," "Red Widow," and "Nikita" just to name a few. Hopefully, his experience with acting in intense series such as these will have properly prepped him for portraying a charming and deadly man out for revenge against The Mountain for killing his sister.
Seeing as Martin has a penchant for killing off his characters, it’s probably a good thing that so many new ones are introduced through out the series. Other characters that Entertainment News says we can look forward to seeing include Mace Tyrell and the Magnar of Thenn.
Season four of "Game of Thrones" is expected to premier in spring 2014, with a very rough guess of 255 days to go.