Google's Larry Page is America's best boss, survey says

Google's Larry Page has been named the 'Highest Rated CEO' in the US, according to recruitment firm Glassdoor. Page, who garnered a 97 percent approval rating from Google staff, has expressed support for shorter work schedules and longer vacations.

Google's Larry Page has been named the 'Highest Rated CEO' in the US, according to Glassdoor. The accolade follows Page's quest to heighten Google's success through its self-driving car, drone delivery experiment, and other high-tech projects.


June 10, 2015

In addition to competitive benefits, dog-friendly workspaces, and on-site massages, Google employees enjoy another perk: They really like their boss.  

Google CEO Larry Page is the top-rated CEO in the US, according to according to company review and recruiting website Glassdoor's third annual Highest Rated CEOs list. Mr. Page has a 97 percent approval rating among  among 1,518 reviews from the tech giant's workers. Google itself has 2,886 ratings from employees on the site.

Last year, Page was No. 11 on the list with a 93 percent approval rating. Although Glassdoor did not indicate specific events for Page’s rise in popularity, the executive has made waves in the technology industry in the past year. In July 2014, Page revealed his insight on how the average person should be getting shorter work schedules and longer vacations, as previously reported by The Christian Science Monitor. He said people should not have to feel pressured to work frantically to meet expectations. At the same time, people do like to work and they do want to feel needed, he added.

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Employees praised both Page and co-founder Sergey Brin for their personalities and work ethic in their reviews of the pros and cons of working at Google.

 “You'll admire how they lead the company,” one anonymous employee who works at Google’s headquarters in Mountain View, California, wrote in a review. “They are brilliant, goofy, low key but intense, and likeable.”

In November 2014, Page announced on his Google+ page that he and his wife donated $15 million from his family foundation, the Carl Victor Page Memorial Foundation. Fortune magazine also dubbed him as “the world’s most daring CEO” in its Top People in Business 2014 list. The magazine ranked him as No. 1 for going up and beyond through various projects in Google X, including the company's self-driving car and drone delivery experiment. 

The Google co-founder took over the No. 1 spot from LinkedIn's Jeff Weiner, who has a 100 percent approval rating on last year's list. This year, he dropped to No. 12 with 93 percent approval. Nike’s Mark G. Parker, H E B’s Mark G. Parker, Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg, and Ultimate Software’s Scott Scherr rounded out the top five. Parker also had 97 percent approval rating, but he only has 650 ratings on Glassdoor while Nike has about 1,200 ratings.

Glassdoor's list draws from CEOs at companies with 1,000 or more employees in the US. The firm relies on US-based employees to anonymously and voluntarily give feedback through the website’s company review survey. In addition to asking what employees think of their bosses, the survey also asks for feedback on their jobs and the work environment. While the survey is opened year-round to all employees, Glassdoor looked at reviews submitted between April 22, 2014 to April 21, 2015.

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To see how many employees at other major companies like their boss, check out Glassdoor's complete rankings here.