Financial Peace University | Review #1
Josh Anderson/AP/File
This week Bob and I started Dave Ramsey’s Financial Peace University. It’s a thirteen week class. Each week starts with a DVD of Dave Ramsey talking about certain topics and then after we have small group time where we are free to talk about what we just heard and ask questions, etc.
I’m really excited because I feel like I’m going to learn a bunch! I’m excited to see and hear what everyone gets out of this class since I only have a 28 year old experience with money. Here are a few nuggets I got from this week…
“One definition of maturity is learning to delay pleasure. children do what feels good; adults devise a plan and follow it.”
Very true. A clean house is better and more comfortable than a dirty house – especially when your parents come over. Ha ha!
“No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful. Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it.” Hebrews 12:11
“Money is amoral.”
It’s not good or evil. This was a good one for me. I used to just absolutely hate money. I just wanted to avoid it! But Dave Ramsey used an example of a brick. If a person has a brick and throws it through a window, they’re using it for evil purposes. But if they take the brick and build a home for someone who doesn’t have a home, then they’re using it to make a wonderful difference. And it’s the same with money.
I realized that one of my main motivations for being interested in money is for reasons like helping the people in Haiti. I can’t really help them if I don’t have enough money to pay my bills. But if I can use money as a tool to get a job done, then that sparks my interest. God has put it in my to give. It’s part of my genetic make-up as a Christian. So I’m going to use that to complete Hebrews 12:11. I may not enjoy telling myself “no” when I find new boots that I want to buy, but I really enjoy sending my church mission organization down to Haiti because I skipped a few worldly “feel goods.”
So, what about you? What are your motivations for being interested in changing your financial situation?
Have you been to this class? What did you get out of it?
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