Stock exchange linkup for three Asian nations
Stock exchange alliance of Malaysia, Singapore, and Thailand will give investors simultaneous access to all three markets.
Investors watch stock prices at a private gallery of Malaysia's stock exchange in Kuala Lumpur in 2007. The Bursa Malaysia, Singapore Exchange, and Stock Exchange Thailand are due to allow simultaneous electronic trading by the second half of 2011.
The stock exchanges of Malaysia, Singapore and Thailand will link via an electronic trading system that will give investors access to all three markets simultaneously by the second half of 2011, officials said Tuesday.
Thirachai Phuvanatnaranubala, Secretary-General of Thailand's Securities & Exchange Commission, said the move is part of a proposed single stock exchange that will provide easier access for investors and boost market liquidity in Southeast Asia.
Bursa Malaysia, Singapore Exchange and Stock Exchange Thailand are "set to join and go live by the second half of 2011" while the Philippines Stock Exchange will join the alliance in the first half of 2012, he told a regional finance conference.
The four countries are part of the 10-member Association of Southeast Asian Nations. It is unclear if Indonesia, Brunei and Vietnam will also join in. Officials said Cambodia and Laos are expected to launch their stock markets next year, leaving only military-ruled Myanmar without a bourse.
The proposed regional exchange is in line with plans to create a European-style economic community for Southeast Asia by 2015, Thirachai said.