Outlook for developed world brightens, OECD finds

Global economic outlook took a turn for the better last fall, latest survey finds.

Leading composite indicator shows November was 1.1 percent ahead of the same month in 2009.


January 13, 2011

The Organization for Economic Co-Operation and Development (OECD) publishes a wealth of data tracking the fundamental economic dynamics of the world’s largest economies.

The OECD leading indicator, industrial production, business confidence and consumer confidence series all disclose important and timely clues to the state of each respective economy or group of economies.

The latest monthly results indicate that the global economy has taken a notable turn for the better with the total leading index increasing 0.10% since October and climbing 1.10% above the level seen in November 2009.

Total Business confidence also improved notably climbing 0.33% since November (more timely data) and climbing 3.33% above the level seen in December 2009.

Total Consumer confidence for December (more timely data) also jumped notably with the total index increasing 0.23% since November and 0.85% above the level seen in December 2009.

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