Job hunting? Try Hong Kong.

Hong Kong's unemployment drops to one of the lowest in the world.

Would you consider taking home a paycheck in this currency? In this file photo from July 20, an employee of the Hong Kong Monetary Authority holds up the new HK$1000 banknote. While economies struggle worldwide, Hong Kong's unemployment remains low.

Tyrone Siu / Reuters / File

September 18, 2010

While America and many other Western countries suffer from high unemployment, unemployment declines rapidly in the world's freest economy, Hong Kong. Compared to a year earlier, the unemployment rate has dropped from an already relatively low 5.5% to 4.2%, while the underemployment (people with part-time jobs that wants full-time jobs) rate has dropped from 2.4% to 1.9%.

While unemployment is still somewhat higher than during the lows reached during the previous economic boom, Hong Kong unemployment is only slightly above pre-crisis levels and is among the lowest in the world in an absolute sense.


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