Mr. Obama, it’s your economy now
Obama is giving George W. Bush a run for his money as 'worst president ever.'
Charles Dharapak/AP
Barack Obama is, inconceivably, giving George W. Bush a run for his money as 'Worst President Ever'.
Card-carrying ideologues from either party need not read this - because I hate 'em both equally and will be engaging in truths here, not partisan fantasies.
I'd be interested to hear from all those dopey college kids who "got involved" in the Fall of '08 about how they like their job prospects as they graduate this month.
Hope they wanted to be census workers when they grew up, 'cause those are the only jobs that this president has been able to create.
If Obama's rhetoric about jobs being 'priority one' was meant to be taken seriously, then the number one engine of job creation, small businesses, might have at least had a bone thrown their way. But it was a lie.
Helping out the unions that got Obama elected was and still is "priority one", which is why the economy still cannot sustain itself, let alone provide employment opportunity for anyone who isn't working for the government.
It's June of 2010 and the Unrecovery has now ceased to capture our imaginations. George W. Bush had all the leadership and managerial skills of a rodeo clown, but the economy is no longer his. Mr. Obama, it's YOUR economy now. Stop making speeches, and start giving business owners a reason to hire.
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