Love that finds solutions

A Christian Science perspective: A response to the Monitor’s View ‘Unsung heroes who rescue Syria’s refugees.’

April 6, 2016

Sometimes the extreme needs of people in war-torn or devastated areas bring forth unique solutions and amazing kindnesses. Some wonderful examples are in the Monitor editorial “Unsung heroes who rescue Syria’s refugees” (

An e-mail recently came from a friend telling what she has experienced in helping people around the world: “I am just in awe of how freely God, divine Love, loves ... whether it is a boy in Nepal being given an education through donations or little Syrian children being helped by a Kurd. How wondrous!” I knew that she was talking about the good that blesses one and all as we begin to see that God is Love (see I John 4:8). That, and the increased good we can do when we understand that God made us in His spiritual likeness – the reflection of divine Love.

A loving act can be seen as evidence of the love that God, who is good itself and the source of our goodness, has for His creation. What if we were to listen for God’s direction in our efforts to act with goodness? We might find that so much – in fact, all – is possible to God, divine Love, and to us as we follow Love’s leading.

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Christ Jesus taught us this when he thanked God and then fed thousands with a few fish and some loaves of bread (see Matthew 15:32-38). Jesus’ disciples felt that the supplies at hand were not enough for so many people, but Jesus lived his life with the knowledge that good from God is without limit and is already present. Christian Science brings out that when Jesus satisfied the hunger of a crowd or healed the sick, he gave us what we most need: proof that God’s creation – our true spiritual identity – has all that God gives.

Letting Love direct us, we discover a wonderful freedom from the opinion that there isn’t enough money, time, or talent to do anything meaningful to solve problems. We may find that much can be accomplished with surprisingly few material resources as we begin to understand that God, Spirit, is the source of unlimited spiritual good. The more we love, the more conscious we are of God, divine Love, leading the way, opening up new avenues for good. Merciful, unselfish love derived from God takes away fear, or the belief that our supply is dependent on how many or how few material things we have.

Mary Baker Eddy, the Discoverer and Founder of Christian Science, writes: “In divine Science, where prayers are mental, all may avail themselves of God as ‘a very present help in trouble.’ Love is impartial and universal in its adaptation and bestowals. It is the open fount which cries, ‘Ho, every one that thirsteth, come ye to the waters’ ” (“Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures,” pp. 12-13).

There is no national boundary that can stop the action of Love. When we love our sisters and brothers around the world as the spiritual sons and daughters of God, it gives us bright glimpses of what Christ Jesus knew – that each individual is supplied by God with what is needed. Then we see in very tangible ways the complete care that Love is giving each of His children and how freely Love loves.