Seeking economic security in uncertain times

A Christian Science perspective: Offering prayers as Britain exits the European Union.

April 6, 2017

Amid conflicting opinions, negative predictions, and uncertainty over long-term economic consequences that challenge many countries today – such as Britain and other European countries as "Brexit" unfolds – how can we maintain a sense of security about sufficient resources?

From ancient times, people have turned to God and experienced powerful, practical help for adequate supply – for individuals and sometimes even for whole communities. The Bible relates that through prayer and spiritual understanding, the prophets Elijah and Elisha saved individuals from famine and drought, and Christ Jesus provided food for crowds of thousands. In speaking of the freedom from limitation that comes from prayer, Jesus said, “[Y]e shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free” (John 8: 32).

The truth he taught and proved is that God is divine Love, the only real cause and creator. It is the purpose of God as Love to express love in the care of His offspring. Divine Love is constant and unchanging in its provision to all, regardless of the changes and fluctuations in human experience. An understanding of this opens thought to resources previously unseen.

Israel has a Houthi missile problem. It’s stuck finding a solution.

Mary Baker Eddy puts it this way in her textbook on Christian Science, which elucidates Christ Jesus’ teachings: “Divine Love always has met and always will meet every human need” (“Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures,” p. 494).

Individuals can begin to prove this in their own lives. I saw evidence of God’s provision when a family member became involved in a long-term business project. The project was in a declining field of work that was predicted to be economically insecure. Applying what she was learning in Christian Science about God as Love helped her pray with confidence and navigate many challenges. As she trusted God, she not only had enough resources but was able to successfully complete the project.

Drawing on a well-known Bible promise, Mrs. Eddy says, “Step by step will those who trust Him find that ‘God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble’ ” (Science and Health, p. 444).

God does not abandon His children in a wilderness of uncertainty or lack. An all-loving Father ensures the progress and stability of His children. Humble listening for the unfoldment of Love’s inspiration brings to light answers for meeting human needs. Neither red tape nor changing minutiae of trade agreements can quell the activity of divine Love, or Life, expressed in vital and intelligent activity. Recognizing God, good, as our Father inspires divinely-derived strength, foresight, ingenuity, and flexibility – all of which support right actions and progress.

This inspired realization of the truth Christ Jesus taught helps us to express harmony, progress, and cooperation, rather than acrimony, discord, or punitive attitudes. As we pray about wider issues, including Brexit, proofs of the continuity of good by each individual can help uplift the atmosphere of thought. Thinkers everywhere can support the progress of each nation – and continent – with the prayerful realization of the spiritual truth that meets all human needs.