No more a servant

Today’s column is a poem that speaks to the idea of man as well as woman as the loved, valued, and blessed children of God.

January 30, 2018

Thou art no more a servant, but a son; and if a son, then an heir of God through Christ.
Galatians 4:7

You hear that, daughter?
Did you not think
those words
were for you too?
No more
status of a servant,
but stature of a son,
with all that that title,
legacy includes.

You know what that means?
No more subtle distance
back seat subservience
implied culpability
object for service
vehicle for heir
pedestal of purity
tempter –
no more
a light to facilitate
someone else’s light.

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Daughter, do you see?
You are not mere steppingstone,
accessory, property for barter.
There is nothing
that can render you
Your place is
written, etched, established
by the hand of heaven.

You are offspring of the Most High!
Your name is known
rejoiced in
Divine Love’s light expressed as you
cannot be denied
nor clipped in the wings.
Your fullness stands approved,
mission ordained.

God’s grace is sufficient –
impartial, infinite –
for all Her
sons and daughters.
All Her daughters, sons:
heirs of God,
reflecting Christly light.

Originally published in the Christian Science Sentinel, March 6, 2017.