
While there’s a lot of work to be done in tackling homelessness worldwide, there are also signs of progress, as an article in today’s Monitor Daily highlights. Here’s a poem that points to the “sweet warmth” of home we can all experience as God’s loved sons and daughters.

August 23, 2019

I remember the first welcome home:
No questions were asked –
There was just the sweet warmth of Love’s embrace.
I’ve come home many times since then –
A little less stunned, perhaps,
But no less grateful.

I know I’ll come home many times again.

But I am learning to stay closer
To the wonderful heart of Love.
From there I can hear more clearly
My Father-Mother telling me I am a beloved daughter,
That I am always with Him – Life, Truth, and Love –
And all that He has is mine.

America’s loneliest generation? It may not be the one you expect.

Adapted from a poem published in the Aug. 19, 1985, issue of the Christian Science Sentinel.