Gone just like that

In these uncertain times, fear can sometimes overshadow our hope, joy, and peace. But as the author of this poem experienced, the unfailing light and warmth of divine Love comforts “like nothing else,” dispelling fear.

May 1, 2020

There it seemed to be, fear
riding roughshod over my hopes
(it felt like an eternity), asserting
itself as filling all space,
as all-ruling, as all – period,
when a pinprick of faint
light pierced the black.
It was this: that darkness in
a closet shut for a minute or
centuries flees all the same
the moment light floods in.

Clinging to that small light-idea
took the wind out of fear’s
seeming sails and opened to me
divine Love’s unstinting warmth
pouring out endlessly – darkness
is not darkness to its luminosity.

So fear is not found in God’s infinity.

At that moment I was sure Love
was everywhere present, a
peerless tenderness comforting
like nothing else, and the fear
was swept away.

God is light, and in him is no darkness at all.
I John 1:5

Editor’s note: As a public service, all the Monitor’s coronavirus coverage is free, including articles from this column. There’s also a special free section of JSH-Online.com on a healing response to the coronavirus. There is no paywall for any of this coverage.