‘Love that never fails’

Many are yearning for greater love, hope, and grace in the world. Here’s a hymn that points to the presence and power of God, infinite Love, “a light outshining midday sun / However dark the day.” (Read it or listen to the hymn being sung.)

November 13, 2020

There is a presence walks with us
On every pathless way,
A light outshining midday sun
However dark the day.

We reach our hand – and feel God near;
We cry – and She replies.
We open eyes that sense had dimmed;
We stretch our wings and rise

Above the mist, above the dark,
Above the threats of fear,
Upheld by Love that never fails
And is forever near.

We cannot stray beyond Love’s care,
For Love does fill all space;
And where we go the path is marked
By angels of Love’s grace.

– Kathryn Paulson Grounds, “Christian Science Hymnal: Hymns 430-603,” No. 587, © CSBD

Audio attribution:
Words © 1988 The Christian Science Board of Directors
Recording © 2017 The Christian Science Publishing Society

Some more great ideas! To read or listen to a poem in The Christian Science Journal titled “God's love is infinite,” please click through to www.JSH-Online.com. There is no paywall for this content.