On ideals

When we let the light of Christ, rather than matter-based concepts, shape our goals and actions, “restored lives and healed hearts” are a natural result, as this poem puts it.

March 11, 2022

What happens when we idolize
others (if I could only be like them)
or clench some guarded scheme,
and then it all comes crashing into
dark waters of an unmapped sea?

Then what?

Better to lose fugitive ideals
dangling from shaky chance and
human opinion – “what ifs”
that shift and slant and hang
by a thread – that don’t come
from God, who is all good.

Take in through prayer the full
outpouring of the Christ ideal
– God’s gift of unfailing perfection,
profuse in goodness, holiness, beauty –
that comforts and delights like the
streaming sunlight warms the Earth.

In quiet oneness with God, we take
long, adoring looks at this ideal that
lights up in us as our spiritual selfhood
– unscathed by material concepts.
As yielding children of God, Soul,
our right desires merge genuinely,
freely, with its divine presence.

This divine model demands a steady
eye to sculpt thought from its blessedness.
Then restored lives and healed hearts
are no surprise.