Finding freedom

Getting to know God better is a powerful starting point for gaining freedom from whatever would keep us from living our God-given goodness and health.

July 1, 2022

What does “freedom” mean to you? Perhaps it’s healing of an illness or injury, liberation from an addiction, lifting of mental darkness, or deliverance from resentment or anger or grief. It can seem that there are all kinds of things that would imprison us. But God made us free – free to know and feel the goodness He imparts to all His children.

We took a trip through The Christian Science Publishing Society’s archives to compile this selection of pieces that highlight our inherent ability to overcome limitations and to experience health and harmony. Each offers inspiration for your prayers in support of liberation from whatever problems would hold us captive.

In “Healed of addiction,” a woman shares how getting to know God more deeply brought complete freedom from persistent struggles with substance abuse and mental health problems.

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An article titled “What sets the captive free?” explores the idea that the healing Christ is present at every moment to set us free from imprisoning ailments – even long-standing ones, as the author found when prayer freed her from chronic migraines.

The author of “Chronic health issues and incurable disease gone” shares how learning more about God and about everyone’s nature as God’s child transformed her life.

Embrace the wilderness” considers how a receptivity to God’s love brings healing, joy, and light to our lives, as the author experienced after the loss of her mom and stepdad.

Our God-given birthright is “liberty and all that comes with it – peace, health, vitality, abundance, hope, discernment, purity, and the freedom to live life to its fullest, to love and be loved freely,” explains the author of “Freedom is your birthright.”

In “Freedom from ‘problem gambling’ – the spiritual way!” a man relates how a better understanding of God and of everyone’s relation to Him brought healing of a gambling addiction.