The universe – as one verse

As we open our hearts to God’s song of universal harmony, we begin to find that even when discord and chaos seem to hold sway, grace and peace are never out of reach.

July 8, 2022

When I think about the universe, I love how that word is divided into uni-verse – one verse. It speaks to the idea of all creation as one glorious, synchronized whole. I like to think of the universe as the song of God, with God conducting all of creation to sound forth a beautiful melody unfolding the expression of divine Soul, purposeful goodness.

But recently as I was walking into my office building, I came upon a scene that seemed anything but harmonious. There was a homeless man stretched out on the street. Standing nearby were two police officers, and a woman across the street was screaming obscenities at them.

Christian Science has taught me that eternal Soul, God, is the omnipotent creator of the universe, including all of us as His spiritual offspring. We are held in perfect unity and harmony with each other and with God, with good.

Germany’s ‘firewall’ against populism has held so far. Sunday will be its biggest test.

I have found it helpful to cherish in my prayers each day this spiritual fact of the perfect harmony of everyone and everything in the uni-verse. God being omnipotent, that song of harmony is always present – even when circumstances present a different picture. Holding to this spiritual reality enables us to see evidence of it more clearly in our everyday experiences.

So I went into my office and prayed quietly with these ideas until I felt a melody of peace in my heart. Then I realized that I no longer heard discord outside. I looked out the window and saw that, indeed, everything was calm. The homeless man was being lovingly cared for and removed from the street by the police officers with grace and dignity. And the woman across the street had stopped yelling and walked away peacefully.

At times events may present what seems like cacophony. Yet right in the midst of division, injustice, and human opinions, is the unifying Principle of the universe, divine Love, that orchestrates in our hearts the glorious “one verse,” as I like to think of it, of infinite harmony. In our daily rounds, we can pray to see what God has already done – to listen spiritually for the sweet song of God’s uni-verse, rich in mercies and boundless blessings!

Adapted from the Dec. 3, 2020, Christian Science Daily Lift podcast.