Meekness and might

Humbly letting God, good, inspire our thoughts and actions empowers us to be a force for good in the world.

September 29, 2022

Christ Jesus gave the world a set of guidelines that, when followed, result in happier, more harmonious and productive lives. One of these is “Blessed are the meek: for they shall inherit the earth” (Matthew 5:5). But in these times of power politics, aggressive business dealings, and military buildups, is meekness still relevant? And what does it mean to “inherit the earth”?

It’s worth remembering that Jesus gave this counsel when the formidable Roman Empire was flourishing; Roman commerce and military prowess were unsurpassed. Roman society thrived on power and conquest. And yet, Christ Jesus, the Son of God, realized and proved that humility is key to being a force for good in the world – empowering us to be an agent of justice and peace, an influencer of moral conduct, a better witness to all the good that God provides for us as His children.

In the textbook of Christian Science, Mary Baker Eddy writes that Jesus preached the gospel in “meekness and might” (“Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures,” p. 30). And he proved the effectiveness of that combination through his countless healing works and teachings, blessing the world for all time.

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Today, we too can experience the strength and purpose that come from meekly acknowledging, and striving to live out from, God’s nature – which is reflected in each of us as God’s spiritual offspring. So our true nature is one of God-given goodness, strength, and purpose. And as we humbly listen for insights and guidance from God, the divine Mind, we’re equipped to discern what we need to know or do in any situation in order to be a force for good.

To me, that’s what it means to “inherit the earth” – to actively contribute to a world that experiences more tangibly what God intends for, and expresses in, each of us: integrity, fairness, justice, peace. Mrs. Eddy writes, “Humility is the stepping-stone to a higher recognition of Deity.... Meekness heightens immortal attributes only by removing the dust that dims them” (“Miscellaneous Writings 1883-1896,” p. 1).

As we seek a deeper understanding of God through a humble, earnest desire to know God better, and as we practice genuine meekness – subordinating self-centered ego to the will of God, good – our expression of God’s attributes will feel more tangible, and we will see more clearly how best to be of service to God and humanity. This is ultimate power and might.

Here’s an example: A corporate lawyer friend was telling me about a time he was asked by a senior executive to sort out a situation with another business that involved questions of ethics and fairness. Looking carefully at the legalities, he found that while the answer was clear from a legal perspective, it did not seem quite right from a fairness perspective.

As my friend humbly prayed about how to proceed, he considered this statement in Science and Health: “We cannot choose for ourselves, but must work out our salvation in the way Jesus taught.... Pride and fear are unfit to bear the standard of Truth...” (pp. 30, 31).

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My friend meekly trusted that the strongest position he could take would be one that was not only legally sound, but also reflected integrity and fairness. Inspiration from his prayers gave him the courage to approach the senior executive and propose an unconventional course of action for the situation, which the executive supported. The other party agreed, and a contract was drawn up that reflected this recommendation. The result was beneficial for both entities.

When “might” is required, we can trust that an approach of meekness – humbly listening to and following divine Mind’s direction – paves the way for an outcome that benefits all involved. Each of us can prove today, even in small ways, that meekness and might are reliable partners indeed.