Angels are ministering to us

Whatever we may be facing, God’s angels are constantly imparting inspiration that heals.

February 9, 2023

In the Hebrew Scriptures, the author of Psalm 68 states, “The chariots of God are twenty thousand, even thousands of angels” (verse 17). What a vivid and striking depiction of angels! It’s inspired me to explore more fully the nature of angels and their role in our own lives.

The Bible includes numerous accounts of how angels convey the messages of God, divine Love, and respond to human needs in practical and tangible ways. Biblical characters such as Jacob and Elijah felt the life-transforming presence of angels. In the Gospels we discover that angels played a vital role in the life and ministry of Christ Jesus (see, for instance, Matthew 4:11).

Jesus demonstrated the fact that angels are always present to deliver us from threats to our safety or security. This is because, as Christian Science explains, they’re not limited, physical beings, but God’s spiritual messages. “Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures” by Mary Baker Eddy, founder of The Christian Science Monitor, defines “angels” as “God’s thoughts passing to man; spiritual intuitions, pure and perfect; the inspiration of goodness, purity, and immortality, counteracting all evil, sensuality, and mortality” (p. 581).

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So angels are divine inspiration. Angels speak to us of God – they reveal the nature and reality of divine Love, and of our true identity as the likeness of God, Spirit – whole, complete, and sound. God, divine Love, is the only true power. Science and Health describes the role of the biblical angel Gabriel as “imparting a sense of the ever-presence of ministering Love” (p. 567).

Listening to angels transforms our thoughts. It brings protection from any form of evil, replacing fear and anxiety with a conviction that God’s love maintains and supports us at all times because God is omnipotent. An understanding of this spiritual reality brings deliverance from difficult circumstances.

I recently had an experience that revealed to me how the angel Gabriel – this messenger of divine Love – comes to our aid. I awoke one morning feeling dizzy and nauseated. I recalled Mrs. Eddy’s statement about the “ever-presence of ministering Love” and realized that right in the midst of this particular challenge, angels were indeed ministering to me. I was grateful for the tangible ways in which this was being expressed, most notably in a calm and quiet perception that my wholeness and health as God’s child were intact.

The following day, as I continued praying to understand divine Love’s ever-presence more clearly, I was able to consume normal food and drink, which hadn’t been possible the day before. In short order I was fully restored – in fact, 24 hours later I went for a vigorous bicycle ride.

We are never separated from God and His angels. Affirming and acknowledging the omnipresence of divine Love gently lifts us out of anything in our experience that is unlike Love – including sickness and discomfort.

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A passage in the New Testament states, “Humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of God, that he may exalt you in due time: casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you” (I Peter 5:6, 7). We can welcome into our thought God’s angels, dispelling fear and bringing to light the spiritual reality that empowers us to prove that we are sustained and cared for by divine Love, God.