Overcoming impasses

Willingness to look past personal viewpoints and see the unity inherent in God’s children enables us to experience progress where it’s unexpected. 

September 29, 2023

We accomplish so much in cooperation with others – whether on a personal scale or on a global stage. But sometimes in trying to work together, it’s difficult to find a smooth path forward. Despite how things appear, however, God didn’t create us with irreconcilable differences. In truth, God’s children are at one with each other and harmonious, expressing the one divine Mind.

We’ve selected an assortment of pieces from the archives of The Christian Science Publishing Society that illustrate how embracing the truth of our innate goodness as children of God clears the way for us to advance toward noble goals.

There really are no bubbles into which we are divided in God’s universe. The author of “Pop the bubbles of division” shares how embracing the limitless thoughts that come to us from God enables us to overcome any standstill.

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Knowing that each of us is governed by divine Love, with no roadblocks, we can find progress in our work together, as the writer of “The timeless basis for cooperation” experienced in the workplace.

We grow in our confidence that productive cooperation is the norm as we learn about a spiritual sense of unity, the author of “Unity, not division, is what’s natural” shares.

In “A spiritual response to political division and upheaval,” the Editor of the Monitor explores how holding to an understanding that there is only one God, and therefore one spiritual creation, helps us overcome the suggestion that we are opposed to each other.

The foundation for completing what we set out to do, the writer of “How to work together” shows, is discovering that the divine Love that is our source is absolutely unlimited.

And “How do we get things done together?” considers how the humility to follow God’s will propels us forward toward good results.