Good news

God’s limitless, universal goodness and peace is a promise for everyone, at every moment.

October 25, 2023

Who owns today, and every day?
Influencers? Pundits? Disrupters?
Purveyors of catastrophe and doom?

Or You, God?

Divine Love, encircling one and all,
divine Life, animating good,
I trust myself, I trust us all,
to Your living Word.

Your Word of the day, Your Word every day
is good – the Gospel’s good news
of liberation, of restoration.
This is the truest “news cycle” – morning, noon, and night –
and Yours is the only voice.

Your infinitely stable self-containment knows
no uncontained violence, no overspill of flood,
unquenchable flame, or jarring quake.
Vicious warring over whose way should win
concedes the one true way –
Your good-for-all way, God –
not one, but all of us, are Your elect,
spiritual and responsive to Your law.

Your glorious, endless day sees good alone unfolded,
not life and hope imploded;
Your economy of love yields glad prosperity, never bleak austerity;
the harvest of Your good that feeds and keeps us never fails;
revelation and progress are the order of Your day.

With fearless expectation we tune in to Your news
and Your views, as reported by Your Christ,
announcing Truth’s always equitable rulings,
celebrating the all-inclusiveness of Your love
and how Your measureless resources supply all needs.

And with this good news, we find peace in Your day.