‘Team Humanity’

We’re all innately capable of expressing the kinds of qualities that contribute to peace and progress rather than division and turmoil – such as compassion, understanding, and love.

April 29, 2024

It seems to be human nature to take sides. A case in point is what we’re seeing on some university campuses – including that of my alma mater – where protests over the Israel-Hamas war and resulting humanitarian crisis have led to chaos and violence, with individuals and groups stridently taking sides.

Healthy discourse and even disagreement aren’t in and of themselves a bad thing. But what can we do to address disunity and distrust, division and turmoil, resulting from uncompromising views of complex situations?

I’m reminded of something I read shortly after the conflict in the Middle East broke out. It mentioned the experience of a high school history teacher in New York City, a Jewish woman, who was asked by one of her students if she was “Team Israel” or “Team Palestinian.” In what was truly a teachable moment, the teacher replied, “I’m Team Humanity.”

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Talk about food for thought. At a time when the best qualities we associate with humanity – such as compassion, magnanimity, brotherly love, mercy, benevolence, and charity – seem especially lacking in much public discourse, we need, more than ever, to be choosing “Team Humanity.” There is no peace or justice without love. Being loving and kind; giving others the benefit of the doubt and being generous in our estimation of them; expecting the best, not the worst, from our neighbor – these are qualities of thought that can prevent conflict or, where necessary, repair relationships. These qualities contribute to a more just and peaceful society.

I’ve been encouraged by what Christian Science teaches about such qualities: They are not personal attributes that some of us have and others don’t, or graces we choose to extend only when we feel someone is deserving of our favor. They are inherent to each one of us as God’s child, at every moment. We are created in God’s, Spirit’s, image, and the image of divine Spirit is entirely spiritual, the expression of the irrepressible nature of divine Love.

We might say that Christ Jesus was unfailingly “Team Humanity.” He loved and healed without prejudice, and persistently rebuked the self-will and self-righteous anger that foster hatred and inhumanity. Several times in the Bible we read that he was “moved with compassion” toward others, and then healed them or met their other needs. He preached compassion, as well as the folly of vengeance, and said that those who show mercy will be shown mercy.

In his Sermon on the Plain, Jesus delivered the radical message, “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” And he showed that we need to do this despite what others might have done, as he lived this Golden Rule even when he was met with hostility, and unjustly accused and crucified. His subsequent resurrection proved that such qualities as love and forgiveness do not come from weakness or vulnerability, nor can they be exploited; rather, they demonstrate the most indomitable strength, and are to be honored and nurtured.

What enabled Jesus to do all this was Christ – “his divine nature, the godliness which animated him,” as the textbook of Christian Science puts it (Mary Baker Eddy, “Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures,” p. 26). Though Jesus’ identity and role were unique, he also recognized everyone’s Christly nature as God’s child.

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Regardless of our views on a particular issue, we can all unite in a common cause to live the Golden Rule. Mary Baker Eddy said, “Pure humanity, friendship, home, the interchange of love, bring to earth a foretaste of heaven” (“Miscellaneous Writings 1883-1896,” p. 100). This is a great contribution that every man, woman, and child can make to the cause of justice and peace: to protest against and resist the temptation to ignore or reject our natural goodness – to refuse to speak or act in ways that are contrary to our true, spiritual nature, and that would wound rather than heal and serve self rather than the greater good.

This may take honest self-examination and humility, but through these qualities, we can each contribute to a more just, humane, and united world. Every day provides numerous opportunities to take steps, whether small or large, on the side of humanity – to show greater forbearance, understanding, and love in our interactions with others. Every sincere effort brings us all a little closer to experiencing here on earth “a foretaste of heaven.”