The Mother Love that heals

Becoming more aware of our love-filled unity with God brings healing.

June 7, 2024

One spring, robins nested on the ledge of our porch. We watched mother-love in action as the mama robin built the nest and hovered over her eggs. Then, after they hatched, she and the father bird both provided food, defended their young from intruders, and taught the fledglings to fly. While this type of bi-parental care is common in most bird species, in 95% of mammal species, the female is the sole caregiver for the young. Across the wide diversity of life on our planet, it is inspiring to see the vital role of mother-love.

All love has its source in God, the one Father-Mother whose whole universe is the creative self-expression of perfect Love. This creation is entirely spiritual and without a single harmful element. Not only is Love the source of all creation, but it is also the mothering force that is the Life that rules the universe, graciously sustaining and tenderly cherishing all Her own, forever. Our Father-Mother, divine Love, ensures health, harmony, fruition, and eternal life for all.

God is always loving Her creation, and throughout the Scriptures this beautiful ribbon of Mother-love is clearly seen in the healing of individuals and nations – binding up the brokenhearted, lifting off despair and injustice, and comforting those who mourn.

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The noonday brilliance of divine Love’s fathering and mothering shines most clearly throughout Jesus’ healings. They demonstrate that Love is the law that leaves no room for anything unlike itself, for it declares that there is nothing except God, who is Love. Jesus showed conclusively that divine Love is really the only power and that this understanding brings freedom from every trouble.

This healing activity is the presence of Christ. As the Christian Science textbook states, “Jesus mapped out the path for others. He unveiled the Christ, the spiritual idea of divine Love” (Mary Baker Eddy, “Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures,” p. 38). The Christ confirms our eternal oneness with the Father-Mother Love that sustains our well-being.

Nothing can ever separate us from our true heritage, because Love is infinite. Spiritual love makes us conscious of our oneness with God and of the health, holiness, and life it brings. Love’s harmonious omni-action leaves no room for the disordered action of disease. Love sustains our being as undiminished. Love opens our eyes to behold abundant good at hand. Love’s power perpetuates our wholeness and productivity eternally.

In whatever situation we find ourselves, Love is there first. And in its calming presence there is no fear. Our Mother, Love, is always present, lifting us to the light of Truth that reveals our wholeness. Healing results when we humbly accept and rejoice in Her presence, as an experience I had illustrates.

I had been in pain for three days. I was diligently praying but was unable to find a comfortable position or to sleep. There were other alarming symptoms that were aggressive. On the third night, my prayer settled into simple humility, like a child sitting in her mother’s lap and feeling comfort and peace. Then I heard in thought a mothering voice – so tender, the most loving voice I have ever heard – saying, “Come along with Me, and I will take care of you.”

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It wasn’t that divine Love knew I was suffering, but rather that because of my inherent relationship with Her, I was forever cared for and cherished. It was as if Love itself was saying, “Just come with Me, fall into My open arms, and I will embrace and care for you always.”

Again, the voice in thought said with unutterable kindness and sweet persuasion, “Just come along with Me, and I will take care of you.” The loving command was irresistible. I thought, “Yes.” Effortlessly, I aligned with this tender message of God and fell instantly asleep. In the morning I awoke refreshed, completely well. All symptoms had vanished.

It was awe-inspiring to be conscious of the beautiful Mother Love that I know is always watching over me, and all Her creation, with a gentleness that is divinely pure and constant.

Love is impartial, tenderly enveloping, sustaining, supporting, and singing over Her creation, from the infinitesimal to the infinite. She loves you and all with an ever-abiding affection and care. Indeed, perfect Love has designed each of us to be purposeful, fruitful, healthy, happy, and immortal, and to glorify God – now and forever. Rejoicing in this Father-Mother Love, we are well.

Adapted from an article published in the May 8, 2023, issue of the Christian Science Sentinel.