AI’s need for our higher nature

Recognizing God, Spirit, as the one divine Mind equips us to engage with artificial intelligence in ways that foster order, truth, and wisdom.

September 16, 2024

The technology known as artificial intelligence (AI) is growing exponentially; it already touches many aspects of our lives and includes both promises to be fulfilled and perils to be averted. It has brought not only usefulness but also profound questions about, for instance, what intelligence is and what it means to think.

This rapidly expanding technology calls for us to answer these questions and others by better understanding and demonstrating our true, spiritual nature as the expression of the omnipotent divine Mind, or God, that is intelligence itself. Our spiritual individuality is real and present now, giving us authority over all human innovation.

AI draws on extensive sources and includes information that can be factual and/or brilliant but also fabricated and/or biased. Higher forms of AI can automate and analyze processes and determine outcomes.

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If this tool is to be safely developed up to its maximum potential for good, it needs to be governed by something higher. It requires the context and insight that come from moral reasoning, spiritual intuition, and receptivity to the infinite intelligence that is the divine Mind. This is the exercise of our innate spiritual sense.

With the growth of AI, concerns abound about who or what may be in control. We can come to this cognizant that humanity is embraced by divinity. This grounds us in compassion and love for others and inspires us to see an infinite range of possibilities while developing within us a keener discernment of what is helpful or harmful, right or wrong. This also leads to an increased understanding of our spirituality, based on a recognition of God, Love, as the sole cause and governing Principle of our lives.

Christian Science expands on this truth in explaining God as the creator of each of us, including our true, higher nature – a nature that reflects the infinite intelligence and inexhaustible wisdom of divine Mind; the saving power of Truth; the supremacy of all-inclusive Love; and the calm, steadfast goodness of Soul.

Consistently expressing this divine nature brings order, clarity, honesty, compassion, harmony, authority, and healing to all aspects of our lives – and is needed for the wise development and use of AI today.

It may seem surprising to look to the Bible as a primary source for examples of this higher nature at work and its transformative influence – breaking away from the technology-oriented patterns, knowledge, and expectations thought to be key to solving problems. This higher nature is illustrated in, for instance, the story of Daniel, who was thrown to the lions as a result of the machinations of envious colleagues. His steadfast trust in God as all-powerful, all-righteous, all-wise Love gave him courage, kept him safe, and moved his and his fellow citizens’ lives forward.

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And Christ Jesus’ keen understanding of divine Love’s supremacy broke through human fears, fed thousands, and healed individuals and multitudes, exactly meeting human needs.

These and other biblical examples illustrate the divine Principle, Love, that gives us authority over the seemingly inevitable perpetuation of oppressive systems that give rise to fear, disease, dishonesty, and lack. They illustrate God as infinite, the one cause, bringing about healing, peace, and progress. Mary Baker Eddy, the Discoverer and Founder of Christian Science, writes, “Spiritual causation is the one question to be considered, for more than all others spiritual causation relates to human progress” (“Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures,” p. 170).

How does this help manage the bounty and challenges of AI? Though seemingly boundless, AI is not and can never be infinite. In order to grow sustainably and wisely, AI needs us to demonstrate what is infinite – the divine intelligence that makes us masters, not servants, of innovation.

We have an important role and responsibility here. As we shift our thought from a material basis to the spiritual foundation of the infinitude of God, good, we can gain conscious control over any element of the human condition.

The rapid growth in the adoption of AI is a wake-up call for us to be alert and wise as well as expectant that our spiritual nature is vitally needed and already present. Then we can engage with and fearlessly acknowledge the undeniable spiritual impulse that moves thought to higher achievement and effectiveness while safeguarding innovations that improve humanity’s conditions and experience.

Adapted from an editorial published in the Sept. 16, 2024, issue of the Christian Science Sentinel.