Testing, testing: A new CSMonitor.com is on the way. Here's what you'll see.

We're testing new approaches to our website aimed at making CSMonitor.com more accessible and deepening your engagement with the award-winning journalism of The Christian Science Monitor. 

November 12, 2013

To our readers:

If you come across a different looking page on our website, it's one of the options we are testing as we redesign CSMonitor.com. 

We'll be unveiling the new look and feel next year. Our goal is to deepen your engagement with The Christian Science Monitor's award-winning journalism, to invite you to read related articles that give you a deeper understanding of the news, and to encourage you to return to our site when you are seeking a calm, thoughtful, solution-oriented approach to what's happening in the world. The Monitor has been publishing those sorts of articles for 105 years. 

Trump, Musk want to curb FEMA. Its North Carolina response says volumes.

To set the stage for our redesign, we started with what we knew about our audience. The live tests we're running will help us create a site designed for you.  With that reader focus in mind, we have developed paths to deeper understanding. You can select a newsletter, for instance, that focuses on an area of interest, or you can click on a health-care reform 101 or get a briefing on nuclear proliferation. We're also developing an option to help you go beyond reading, to take action -- to contribute to disaster relief, to let your elected representative know your opinion on a big issue, to support an activity that seeks to improve your community or the world. The take-action feature is a work in progress. And the Monitor cares about human progress. We even have a regular feature called "Progress Watch." 

You're the judge, of course, but we think our new design will offer you a clean, straight-forward article flow, bolder navigation, and a more contemporary overall approach. We are minimizing interruptions within an article to make the reading experience smoother. And we've updated the navigation to better highlight trending and seasonal topics.

What do you think? What other features might be helpful. Please let us know. Email: http://tinyurl.com/mqjhort

John Yemma
