Reject terrorist propoganda, terror in the name of religion, solar power in Africa, security in Mexico, India's children

This week's round-up of global commentary includes the danger of consuming Islamic State propaganda, Pakistan's battle against religious extremists, pay-as-you-go solar lighting in Kenya, fighting organized crime in Mexico, and ending child labor in India.

This screen grab made Monday, Jan. 12, 2015, shows the front page of the US Central Command Twitter account after is was hacked. The Twitter site was taken over Monday by hackers claiming to be working on behalf of Islamic State militants. American and coalition fighters are launching airstrikes against IS in Iraq and Syria. The site was filled with threats that said, "American soldiers, we are coming, watch your back." Other postings appeared to list names and phone numbers of military personnel as well as PowerPoint slides and maps.


March 7, 2015

The Daily Telegraph / Sydney, Australia
Don’t consume propaganda from terrorists
“It has become my usual practice,” writes Jamal Rifi, “not to view any of the videos, images, words or similar propaganda released by what is called on social media ‘DA3SH’ – also known as ISIS, ISIL or Islamic State – although they are neither Islamic nor a state in any true sense of those words. The best I can do to fight their campaign is to not take part, which means not watching or listening. If everyone did this we would at least be winning the propaganda war.... While DA3SH is killing Egyptian Coptics, the Prophet [Muhammad] protected them and likewise asked Muslims to protect the Christians until the end of time.”

Dawn / Karachi, Pakistan
Terrorists also speak in the name of religion
“It is essential for moderate Muslims to define who they are and their religious identity in a manner that excommunicates terrorists: the Al Qaeda, Islamic State,... et al.,” writes Babar Sattar. “So long as we see terrorists in our midst as part of us, but only misguided, we can’t fight them effectively.... [W]hile reclaiming our religion and the values it propagates we can’t be oblivious to the fact that terrorists also claim to speak in the name of the same religion and seek to implement the values they believe it espouses.... Why does Pakistan still seem confused and irresolute in combating terror after losing over 50,000 citizens to it? Aren’t many of us sympathetic to the goals of our terrorist ‘brethren’ even if we disagree with their means?”

Business Daily / Nairobi, Kenya
Solar light is transforming the African continent
Kenya’s position astride the equator puts it in the most favourable position to lead the ongoing race to harvest and use solar energy...,” writes Ernest Chitechi. “Yet for the majority of Kenyan households, the cost of available solar lighting solutions remains too high.... But now there is a solution from SunnyMoney, a social enterprise founded in 2008 by SolarAid to eradicate the use of kerosene lamps in Africa.... SunnyMoney distributes pico-solar lights in rural East Africa and works with teachers who build trust and awareness of solar products in the schools [where] they teach.... In the pay-as-you-go model the solar lights get activated when … payment is made and they get locked when they run out of credit. This way, the customer can switch to ... solar lighting technology at a fraction of its upfront cost....”

To Russia, with love? Why some in West are heading east to start over.

The News / Mexico City
Mexico needs a new security force, not military action
“Civil authorities have had the support of the armed forces, but they should be regarded as a temporary resource used in case of emergencies,” writes Liébano Sáenz on efforts to stem the rising tide of organized crime across Mexico. “However, due to the seriousness of the situation, the armed forces may be supporting civil authorities longer than expected. To fight insecurity, the government shouldn’t continue to give assignments meant for the police force to the Army and Navy. Instead, it should create a new security organization able to tackle the challenges represented by the fight against crime and violence. The armed forces have irreplaceable duties that shouldn’t be shoved aside to take over the police force’s duties.”

The Times of India / Gurgaon, India
India should invest in its children, the future
“Today the number of child labourers in India varies from [5 million to 50 million] in different estimates,” writes Kailash Satyarthi. “The biggest travesty is the fact that there are almost equal numbers of adults who are unemployed. It has been proved beyond reasonable doubt that these unemployed adults are the very parents of these child labourers. Isn’t this a sheer waste of human capital? Child labourers are deprived of their fundamental rights – many of them being victims of trafficking, prostitution, forced beggary, illiteracy and subjected to the worst forms of exploitation.... It is high time India passes the Child Labour (Prohibition and Regulation) Amendment Bill and it must also increase budgetary allocation for the development and protection of our children.... This will be the best investment towards a better ... India.”