Letters to the Editor
Readers write about the bailout of the Big Three, relations between the US and Nicaragua, how France can learn a lesson from Obama's election, and why the Fairness Doctrine should be reinstated.
Bankruptcy is the only path to change for Big Three
Regarding the Dec. editorial, "Why a Big Three rescue is so hard": Contrary to what Detroit tells the public, the Big Three's problems weren't caused by our recent economic nosedive. The troubles blighting the American automaking industry are related to the ineptitude of its executives. For decades, the Big Three have been rife with unscrupulous opportunists who have let Detroit lose its standing as a leading car manufacturer. It's absurd that many in Congress want to reward failure. Japanese automakers have proved it is possible to manufacture in the United States, negating the Big Three's core justification for the bailout.
The House should let the Big Three declare Chapter 11 if they can't sustain themselves. In the past, big business has been able to recoup itself following bankruptcy with reorganization, better products, and efficient management. Only when those steps are taken will Detroit be able to compete again.
John F. Monahan IV
Wilkes-Barre, Pa.
US must not interfere in Nicaragua
Regarding the Dec. 5 article, "Nicaragua's Ortega defiant after US, Europe yank aid": The rich nations are once again scolding Nicaragua for trying to provide, in a meager way, for its poorest citizens.
The fig leaf over this US-led power play is that Nicaraguan President Daniel Ortega is "leading his country off the path to democratic reform." The US has been exerting outside pressure and pouring money into Nicaraguan elections since 1990. In the US, such outside influence would rightly be seen as corrupt and illegal. These past elections are just fine, though, because the US-preferred candidate won. Now that Nicaraguans want to run their own elections, it's cause for alarm. That is why our CIA and other "democracy-promoting" institutions have been working so hard to destabilize those democratically elected governments.
As for aid, the US still owes billions in reparations to Nicaragua, according to a 1986 International Court of Justice judgment, for the Reagan administration's campaign of state terrorism against the tiny country. Nicaragua has just as much claim on our money as a bunch of Wall Street crooks. Perhaps we ought to give it the money and leave it alone.
Alan Peck
Tigard, Ore.
France can learn from Obama
In regard to the Dec. 5 Opinion piece, "With Obama's help, France can shatter the glass ceiling for blacks": Two elements are essential to promoting greater democracy in the French political system. First, French citizens must recognize and appreciate the contribution minorities make to the nation as a whole. Second, candidates chosen to represent minorities in local government must be astute, efficient, and a cohesive force within the communities they are elected to serve. France will be a stronger nation if it heeds the lessons of Barack Obama's election victory.
Alistair Budd
Fairness Doctrine should return
Regarding the Nov. 25 Opinion piece, "Liberals, too, should reject the Fairness Doctrine": This commentary illustrates quite vividly exactly why the Fairness Doctrine should be reinstated. One-sided information is dangerous. It never allows individuals to get all the facts and decide for themselves what is right. Decisions made in a vacuum are not helpful to society.
Robert Lopilato
Columbia, Tenn.
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