Letters to the Editor

Readers write about retooling the UN Human Rights Council; why auto suppliers need a bailout, too; the Federal Reserve's role in creating the housing bubble; and barring illegal workers from US jobs.

December 17, 2008

UN Human Rights Council needs a new approach

In regard to the Dec. 10 Opinion piece, "Obama's moment on human rights": Author Iain Guest rightly acknowledges the abuses of the UN Human Rights Council. According to UN Watch's new report, 34 out of 47 Council member states had negative voting records in 2008, casting ballots against independent human rights mechanisms or basic principles, such as free speech. Human rights at the UN is in a state of crisis.

The US needs to work in concert with its allies in the free world to turn the tide.

Yet how could Americans support rejoining a biased Council that has targeted Israel in 80 percent of its censures and that denies Israel membership in any of its five regional groups?

Washington should demand evidence of a new approach in Geneva. The Europeans could do their part by finally dropping their peculiar objection to Israel joining the Western group, an important signal that bias is unacceptable.

Hillel Neuer

Executive director, UN Watch


Auto suppliers need a rescue, too

In regard to the Dec. 15 article, "Rescue US autoworkers first": Rescue the automotive supply chain first. The auto supply chain owns about $60 billion in trade receivables from the Big Three. The firms in the supply chain are key to the future of the automotive industry.

The US Treasury should guarantee the current stock and future flow of trade receivables from the US auto companies for up to three years. This would secure the supply chain, assure good trade terms, and reduce the contagion risks associated with a Chapter 11 filing of GM, Ford, or Chrysler. With the guarantee of the government the suppliers could discount their receivables to US banks.

We know banks have the capital – we gave it to them.

Charles A. Stone
New York

US housing bubble was created by Fed

Regarding the Dec. 15 commentary, "Solutions to the nation's housing bubble still up in the air": In discussing the housing bubble, author David Francis leaves out the fact that the low interest rates of the Federal Reserve earlier in this decade caused the housing bubble.

It should be clear by now that all of the bad government policies combined would have little effect by themselves if not for such poor monetary policy to exacerbate them.

There's no mystery as to why our markets are so messed up: It's the Federal Reserve. We need sound money now!

Mike Wickerham
Macomb, Mich.

More jobs by barring illegals

Regarding the Dec. 8 article, "US task: Put jobless into jobs": The quickest way to create jobs for American citizens is to fine or imprison employers of illegal workers. They will then stop employing illegals. That will dry up the job opportunities for illegal workers, who will then exit. The supply of workers will become limited, which will drive up demand for labor and in turn drive up wages to entice American workers.

Millions of jobs currently are held by illegal workers. Europe has reacted to the financial decline by restricting immigration across its borders, while the United States continues to do little to stop employers from giving American jobs to illegals.

Art Woods
Wilmette, Ill.

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