Letters to the Editor

Readers write about the need for sustainable, eco-friendly jobs, why it's time women took the lead in world affairs, why the US must take strong action against Mexican drug violence, and how sanctions reflect our values.

March 28, 2009

More than another gold mine, we need eco-jobs

Regarding the March 24 article, "Alaskan lake's fate could echo across continent": I was shocked at the brazenness of the mining spokesperson who called the lake in question, "just a dumb little lake that hardly has any value."

Once upon a time, we allowed industry to use our fresh water, the most important resource in the world, as a dumping place for their wastes. We are still paying for that decision. Now, industry pits ecological health against jobs: The same spokesperson claims environmentalists are callous toward those who exploit natural resources. Wrong! We all exploit natural resources, and could not survive if we did not. The question is, how shall we go about exploiting those natural resources?

I cannot understand how a society can permit yet another unnecessary gold mine to trump ecological health. We don't need gold. What we need is rational, scientifically based public policy that protects our environment and promotes good, sustainable jobs.

Jason R. Busch
Portland, Ore.

It's time for women to lead

Regarding the March 26 Opinion piece, "What if women ran the world?": Author Mark Lange's commentary hit the nail on the head. Women's ways of leading are worth identifying and teaching, because they are the ways of the future.

This doesn't cut men out of the picture at all. Rather, it opens up a whole new level of understanding and effectiveness in that men, as Mr. Lange puts it, are ready to learn from women.

One thing worth noting: We've got to find ways of describing female traits without assigning them a gender. Calling a leadership method a "woman's way" may polarize men who can't get past that label. "Holistic" may be one term to consider in describing the types of leadership skills the world really needs now.

Andrea Learned
Burlington, Vt.

US must take strong action against Mexican drug violence

In regard to the March 27 article, "Clinton says US shares responsibility for Mexico's drug violence": I certainly concur with Secretary of State Clinton that we share some of the responsibility of the drug war. But I do think we need to admit that President Bush did try to address some of the these issues and constantly ran up against severe opposition when trying to take stronger action.

I hope that Mrs. Clinton and the Obama administration will face this issue head-on and make some great strides in curbing, if not halting, the flow of drugs. The Mexican officials who are serious about this seem to be in the most danger. I hope we can do something to help protect them and join them in this worthy battle.

Alex Morgan

International sanctions are about principles, not economics

In regard to the March 25 Opinion piece, "To lift the US economy, lift sanctions on America's foes": Sanctions are based on principles, not economic cost.

At some point, our values will not allow us to continue to have normal relations with countries that don't respect us or their own citizens. Sometimes, when sanctions don't work, we use military force to make leaders change. Most people prefer sanctions to war.

Ed Dart
Anaheim, Calif.

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