Readers Write: Congress must take unpopular stands, not compromise; Mike McQuery is no victim in Sandusky scandal

Letters to the Editor for the September 3, 2012 weekly print issue: Since when are leaders expected to only do what is easy in the short term? It's a tremendous reach to try and justify what amounts to Mike McQueary's cowardly act by calling him a victim of male culture.

September 3, 2012

Congress must take unpopular stands

I would like to take exception to the premise of the article "Economy's problem: Congress?" in the July 9 & 16 issue. If I'm understanding the main point correctly, some economists have determined that last year's congressional battle over raising the debt ceiling adversely affected the economy.

My inference from this observation is that members of Congress need to stop taking a stand that is unpopular.

Perhaps parents who insist that their children refrain from spending their days eating candy should likewise abandon their sense of what's right because their position is unpopular and also causes candy companies discomfort.

Arab world unites on Gaza. Can it get US, Israel, and Hamas on board?

Since when are leaders expected to only do what is easy in the short term?

In the same article, Rep. Chris Van Hollen (D) of Maryland observes that "House Republicans believe that compromise is a dirty word." Apparently he has chosen to ignore the stalemating behavior of Democrats like Senate majority leader Harry Reid of Nevada and former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi of California.

The article also says, "The likelihood is high that the election will come and go without one party taking control of Congress and the White House." I fervently hope this prediction is mistaken.

Carol Cummings

Polson, Mont.

Virginia data centers are running out of power. Maryland farms lie in the way.

Mike McQueary is no Sandusky victim

In his July 9 & 16 commentary, "Sandusky case: a lesson for parents," Jim Sollisch calls Mike McQueary, former Penn State graduate student and assistant coach, "a victim, too" in the Sandusky child sex abuse scandal.

Mr. Sollisch explains that Mr. McQueary was living out the narrative of the Good Soldier and the Team Player – "the story of loyalty and codes of honor." Sollisch says this figure is one who "takes one for the team."

But this situation wasn't a game; it was a horrible sexual assault on a boy by a full-grown man, witnessed by Sollisch's other "victim," another full grown man. This "victim" fled the area, leaving the boy to Jerry Sandusky. I find it a tremendous reach to try and justify what amounts to a cowardly act.

Police Sgt. Steve Hart

Castle Hills, Texas