Readers write: Better help for bees, a troubling trend, no 'climate denier' as president

Letters to the editor for the April 6, 2015 weekly magazine.

Honeybees populate a comb at Honey Hill Orchard in Waterman, Ill. on June 5.

Danielle Guerra/Daily Chronicle/AP

April 4, 2015

Better help for bees
I loved the article “Give bees a chance” in the March 23 Home Forum section. But I hope it doesn’t end up resulting in the killing off of more bees. As has been reported elsewhere, plants bought at big-box stores are often loaded with neonicotinoids – part of the “wonder” pesticides that have been bred into the plants themselves. Scientific research shows that neonicotinoids are a key factor in the decline of bees.

In our community garden, we are urging gardeners to incorporate bee-friendly plants, but also to make sure that those plants do not contain neonicotinoids (we are fortunate to have several low-cost organic sources within the city of Boston). I hope your article ends up helping bees.
Janell Fiarman
Jamaica Plain, Mass.

Cartoon highlights troubling trend
The March 9 editorial cartoon showing a Republican elephant and a Democratic donkey both saying, “Government of my people, by my people & for my people,” highlights a growing problem for “maturing” societies – societies regulated and controlled by the government.

They took up arms to fight Russia. They’ve taken up pens to express themselves.

The more government regulation and control, the more people feel the need to coalesce into like-minded groups to fight for and control the governing process, to impose their collective ideals on everyone. What was originally designed as a democratically unifying process has become a divisive process. The solution is to return to more individual freedom, liberty, justice ... and responsibility.
Art Gardner
Goleta, Calif.

No ‘climate denier’ for president
The headline “Ted Cruz: Can a climate change skeptic win in 2016?” (, March 23) asks the wrong question. The real mystery is how a climate denier can be considered a legitimate candidate for our nation’s highest office.
Harriet Shugarman
Wyckoff, N.J.