Readers write: Mealtime memories, prisoner empathy, violence and children
Letters to the editor for the July 24, 2017 weekly magazine.
Mealtime memories
Regarding Marjorie Kehe’s June 12 Home Forum essay, “Breakfasts that nourished my dreams”: It was so well written and full of nostalgia and heartfelt sentiment. It reminded me of when my mom would set the large dining room table with our set of state-themed dinner plates, which contained lots of info on each state: state capital, state flower, famous person, etc. So my two siblings and I grew up with a geographical travel bug! I’ve been to most in my 76 years, except some in the South.
Thank you, Marjorie, for all the book reviews as well. They are very enriching indeed.
Julie Freeman
Palo Alto, Calif.
Prisoner empathy
Thank you for your June 12 cover story, “The story of prisoner 5770102414.” Being a published writer, activist, and advocate against the mistreatment of prisoners, I could only empathize with Prontip Mankong. Ms. Prontip, you are not alone; as someone who is currently incarcerated in Texas, I salute and support you and your efforts. Your fight should be everyone’s fight – solidarity has no borders. Thank you for not being afraid to share your story with the world.
Jason Renard Walker
Amarillo, Texas
Violence and children
As the mother of a 5-year-old, I want to thank you for the June 19 OneWeek article “In facing terror, a little humor helps.” I am deeply troubled that President Trump advocates fear of “others” and that his proposed budget asks Congress to prioritize aggression over diplomacy. Drastic cuts to international diplomacy and programs that relieve suffering while increasing military spending seem to be a recipe for war. I hope that Congress will instead choose a path of compassion, tolerance, and diplomacy. Otherwise, I hope that I have the strength and character to use humor to explain what may be a violent future to my son.
Ingrid Hogle
Oakland, Calif.