Explosion of gas tanks injures five in Wyoming

Wyoming gas tanks explosion is under investigation as federal investigators head to scene. Contract workers were welding in Wyoming gas field at the time of the explosion of five gas tanks. 

The vast network of roads and well pads of the Jonah II natural gas field in Wyoming (seen here in 2004) has grown much larger since then. On Friday, Nov. 22, 2013, an explosion of gas condensate tanks in the gas field injured five workers.

Peter Aengst/The Wilderness Society and Lighthawk/SkyTruth/File

November 22, 2013

An explosion in a western Wyoming gas field has injured five workers, one of them critically.

Encana officials say the cause isn't known, but contract workers were welding at the time in the Jonah gas field. Five of six gas condensate tanks exploded at the well site around 10:20 a.m. Friday.

The Sublette County Sheriff's Office says the worker in critical condition was taken to a hospital in Salt Lake City. Another worker in serious condition was taken to Idaho Falls, Idaho.

Two other workers were taken to hospitals in what doctors described as stable condition. Another worker was treated in Pinedale and released.

Encana officials say federal safety investigators will be on site this weekend.

The Jonah field 35 miles south of Pinedale is the seventh-biggest U.S. gas field.