Pet insurance bill in California to ensure better protection for animals
Pet insurance providers would have to provide more information about what level of care is covered by their insurance plans.

Dr. Katie True greets Pueblo, an 11-year-old retired guide dog at Midtown Animal Hospital. Pueblo's owner, Elaine Quartaroli, who raises guide dogs, says she has researched pet insurance for her two dogs but found it to be too expensive.
Man's best friends could enjoy greater health care protections under a bill approved Tuesday by the California Assembly.
Companies that insure veterinary care for cats, dogs and other animal companions would have to provide more information about what level of care is covered by their insurance plans.
Democratic Assemblyman Dave Jones says the bill, AB2411, was inspired by national health care reform.
The measure requires insurers to disclose on their websites any policies that limit coverage.
The Assembly approved the bill on a 42-22 vote and sent it to the governor for his review.
Jones originally sought to create a separate category of the insurance code for veterinary insurance, but that provision was removed.