YouTube, the video game

February 3, 2009

With Oscar season upon us, one clever YouTuber hacked the site's comment system to create a movie-themed observation game. Each round presents two near-identical snapshots from an Academy Award nominee. Can you tell the difference? Many of the levels are simple enough, but some of the Photoshopped details are devilishly subtle.

This approach of co-opting YouTube is oddly elegant and has already pulled in 200,000 contestants. Its popularity has Daily Dish blogger Andrew Sullivan asking if this is "the future of YouTube?"

The game even throws in a nod to its host with a Rickroll partway through. Also, a quick warning: Level 19 might not be appropriate for the office. And there might be more questionable images after round 26 – that's where I called it quits.


(Via MTV Multiplayer)