Fact: Vin Diesel has 5,148,733 more Facebook friends than you do

He's smiling because he's more popular than you. According to figures provided by AllFacebook.com, Vin Diesel has more than 5 million fans on his Facebook page – lagging behind only Michael Jackson and Barack Obama.


July 8, 2009

It may be true that Chuck Norris can "sneeze with his eyes open." And it may be true that Chuck Norris destroyed "the periodic table, because he only recognizes the element of surprise." But does Chuck Norris have 5,149,734 fans on Facebook?

We didn't think so.

That honor belongs to none other than actor, screenwriter, and director Mark Sinclair Vincent, a.k.a. "The Iron Giant," a.k.a. "The Pacifier," a.k.a. Vin Diesel. (Side note: Did you know Vin Diesel was in "Saving Private Ryan?")

The man who has repeatedly risked life and limb to satiate our action-movie-needs has more than 5 million fans on his Facebook page, according to figures released Tuesday by AllFacebook.com. 5 million. The number makes the 1 million Twitter followers accumulated by Ashton Kutcher look positively paltry in comparison.

So who else graces the upper echelons of Facebook's superstar culture? Here's the roster:

10. Will Smith
9. R.I.P. Michael Jackson
8. Facebook
7. Dr. House
6. I need a vacation
5. Pizza
4. I love sleep
3. Vin Diesel
2. Barack Obama
1. Michael Jackson

Interestingly, Jackson is a late entry into this field. The pop star's page skyrocketed from 80,000 fans to more than 7 million over the last couple weeks, generating what Facebook called the largest crowd response ever on the social networking site.

Nick O'Neill, founder of the Social Times Web site, told CNN that Jackson continues to gain about 20 fans per second and "even more during peak traffic hours." That's an incredible velocity – and one that even "Iron" Vin Diesel is unlikely to match anytime soon.

As for Chuck Norris, forget about him. The man's only got 115,677 fans.


Fact one: We're on Twitter. Fact number two: We don't have 1 million followers. We don't even have one thousand. We don't even have 500! So help us out, and follow us @CSMHorizonsBlog.