With @CraigyFerg, Craig Ferguson leaps into the Twitter fray
Craig Ferguson, the host of "The Late Late Show with Craig Ferguson" on CBS, has finally joined Twitter. Let the 140-character ribbing commence.

Late Late Show host Craig Ferguson, seen here autographing copies of his book, "American on Purpose," Sept. 29, 2009, is wading into the waters of Twitter.
Jay is on Twitter. So is Jimmy Fallon, who has amassed almost two and a half million Twitter followers. Even Dave has tried it out. (Don't ask about Conan, who famously trashed Twitter in a "Twitter Tracker" segment.) Now, Scottish-American comedian Craig Ferguson has joined Twitter – Twitter handle: @CraigyFerg – and he's already making a splash.
"The fact that i am on twitter probably means its on the way out," Ferguson joked yesterday. But Ferguson, who hosts the popular Late Late Show on CBS, shouldn't be so sure. In the time since Ferguson launched his CraigyFerg account, just under 20,000 Twitter users have flocked to his feed. "Craig Ferguson," meanwhile, remains one of the most searched terms on Google, somewhere above news about last night's season premiere of "For the Love of Ray J."
Disclaimer: As fitting his post as host of "The Late Late Show," Ferguson is a more caustic tweeter than, say, Jay Leno. @CraigyFerg has featured some spicy language in the last few hours, along with a jab at the British band The Who. But Ferguson has also cranked out a few gems. "I just retweeted somebody by accident," he writes at one point. "Sorry. My big sausage fingers are hopeless."
A few minutes later, Ferguson adds: "Btw big sausage fingers is a movie I accidentally wrote and produced." Like many celebrities, Ferguson's follow-to-follower ratio is very skewed. "I follow no one," Ferguson explained. "Except Dave I suppose. Or the local news. Or the smell of ham." Not quite true, as it turns out: Ferguson is following three other Twitter feeds, including the account for the Discovery Channel show "Mythbusters," which Ferguson loves.
And "Mythbusters" loves Ferguson. Here's a tweet from the Mythbusters' Twitter account, posted this morning: "Honored to be the first Twitter account followed by @craigyferg ! Our eau de ham must have worked!"
Will you follow @CraigyFerg? And why don't you follow us? We're @CSMHorizonsBlog. In the meantime, drop us a line in the comments section.