Apple will 'double down' on Siri, says CEO Tim Cook

Apple CEO Tim Cook told an audience in California this week that Apple had a 'lot of people' working on a new version of Siri. 

Tim Cook discusses Siri, the voice-activated iPhone app, at an Apple event in March.


May 30, 2012

Apple will "double down" on Siri, the voice-activated app introduced last year. So says Apple CEO Tim Cook, who told an audience at the annual All Things D Conference yesterday that Siri was the "defining feature" on the best-selling iPhone 4S

"[T]here's more that it can do, and we have a lot of people working on it," Cook said, according to Information Week. "And I think you'll be really pleased with some of the things coming over the coming months. The breadth of it. We have a lot that Siri can do. People have dreamed of this for years, and it's here. Yes it could be broader, but Siri as a feature has moved into the mainstream. So I think you're going to be really happy with where it's going."

From the outset, Siri was hailed by critics as a milestone for Apple – an "intelligent" computer assistant with "great potential." But there were a few high-profile stumbles, including an early outage and a flap over the filter, which apparently excluded results for abortion clinics. More recently, IBM banned Siri on company-issue phones. The reason: Apple has not disclosed whether or where it stores data collected from Siri searches. 

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So what kind of improvements does Cook have in mind? Well, Apple is staying mum on the details, but it seems safe to say that at very least, we're looking at a patching-up of the various interface errors that have affected the app in the past. We also expect an advance in Siri's "intelligence" – in other words, the effectiveness and speed with which Siri answers your questions. 

Lastly, we'd wager that Apple is planning on more deeply integrating voice-controls into the overall iPhone experience, perhaps as soon as this fall, when the next iPhone is expected to hit shelves. 

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