American Idol: Who's their new dearly departed?

On Thursday night, American Idol sent another hopeful home for good. Will Alabama be welcoming home one of their heroes tomorrow?

Contestant Dexter Roberts poses at the party for the finalists of American Idol XIII in West Hollywood, Calif., February 20, 2014.

Mario Anzuoni/Reuters

April 18, 2014

After Wednesday night's "Competitor's Picks," America was given the task of eliminating one of the remaining seven contestants and Kevin Bacon helped kick the result show off but soon after American Idol host Ryan Seacrest took back the helm and introduced the judges.

No sooner were they seated that Ryan quickly approached Jennifer Lopez's chair to continue the pattern of sexual harassment that has been going on all season. And although Jennifer was once again wearing a dress of questionable length - her thigh high boots may have actually been longer than her entire dress - it certainly doesn't give Ryan the right to behave like a hormone-addled juvenile.

As if sensing my displeasure, Ryan attempted to make amends by sending Dexter Roberts to the stool of shame, assuring at least a 50 percent success rate in last night's predictions. Before we could find out the other half of the bottom two, we were forced to listen to Randy Jackson summarize Wednesday's performances, basically repeating what the judges already said the night before. Finally, with only Sam Woolf and Jessica Meuse left, we learned that it was in fact Jessica in the bottom two! That's 100 percent accuracy in the predictions for anyone who's keeping track!

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So, Alabama will be reclaiming one of their own shortly but which would it be?

In the end, it was the small-town country boy who departed the Idol stage but not before giving a heartfelt performance of, "Lucky Man." Nice touch, Dexter Roberts.

Bradbury out.