Green Lantern: Review

In an early review of 'Green Lantern,' Killer Film blogger Matt Keith finds that special effects and Mark Strong, as evil genius Sinestro, rule the day. 'Green Lantern' hits theaters June 17.

Ryan Reynolds plays Hal Jordan in Martin Cambell's 'Green Lantern.' The film comes to to theaters June 17.

Warner Bros. Pictures/Newscom

June 16, 2011

“In brightest day, in blackest night, No evil shall escape my sight. Let those who worship evil’s might, Beware my power… Green Lantern’s light!“

After years of seeing Batman and Superman on the big screen, Warner Bros. has finally given Green Lantern his time to shine on the big screen. Martin Campbell’s adaptation of the DC Comics superhero has been getting much heat ever since the first trailer came online several months ago, and the casting of Ryan Reynolds as the lead has only made many feel at odds with the film. However, Campbell’s film proves itself to be fun for fans of the genre.

Probably the first thing many are wanting to know is how Ryan Reynolds did as Hal Jordan/Green Lantern. His casting as the lead in Green Lantern wasn’t welcome among many fans. Most were worried that his reputation for being a comedic actor would hurt the film. Well, Reynold does come of as very comedic, but is able to keep that cocky personality Hal Jordan was known for in the comics. However, many will likely still agree that Reynolds wasn’t the best choice for the role. The rest of the cast however, gives a solid performance. Peter Sarsgaard was rather campy, but still fun as Dr. Hector Hammond, but the performance that really stole the show in Green Lantern was Mark Strong, who really captured the look and feel of Sinestro.

The special effects are another great part of the film. One of the many problems people have had with the trailers was the look of the Green Lantern costume, but the finished effects look really great. The filmmakers did an amazing job of animating the primary villain Parallax, and the planet of Oa. However, the 3D effects suffer from the post-conversion process. There are certain scenes, especially those set on Oa and in space that look great in 3D, but the scenes on Earth, not so much. As with many post-conversion films many of the 3D scenes look blurred, and are headache inducing.

Overall, Green Lantern isn’t a great movie, but is still very entertaining. Oh, and you may want to stay during the credits for a great after-the-credits-scene.

Matt Keith blogs at Killer Film.


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