Ask the TV Addict: exploring the upcoming seasons of 'True Blood,' 'White Collar,' 'Shameless' and more
The TV Addict blogger answers fan's questions about television's hottest shows, including HBO's 'True Blood' with Anna Paquin and Stephen Moyer, TNT's 'White Collar' with Matt Bomer, and the new show, 'Falling Skies,' with Noah Wyle and Moon Bloodgood.
The fourth season of 'True Blood' with Anna Paquin and Stephen Moyer premiers June 26. Showtime's 'Shameless' will be back for a second season. The 'Falling Skies' series premier is June 19 at 9 p.m.
HBO/Newscom; Agencia el Universal/El Universal de Mexicoames/Newscom; James White/Scripps Howard Photo Service/Newscom
Ask the Addict:
TRUE BLOOD’s return is sooooo close I can taste it! Any scoop to tied me over? — Rachel
The TV Addict: Well, since Michael Ausiello already beat us to the punch with regards to the same-sex shocker, and we sure as heck aren’t about to spoil the identity of Bon Temps newest Real Estate baron, we’ll simply leave fans with two tantalizing words to tide you over until the show’s June 26 return: Think LOST.
Any word on what fans can expect from the second season of HAWAII FIVE-0? — David
The TV Addict: Taking the literal approach to answering your question, “Romance” would probably be the one word we’d choose to sum up the start of HAWAII FIVE-0′s second season. Particularly because the show’s Producers (or perhaps Network Bigwigs) have seemingly decided that if you can’t beat ‘em — them of course referring to timeslot competitor CASTLE — you might as well join ‘em. Which is to say, fans should brace themselves for a little island lovefest as Producers begin their search for a thirty-something bombshell to play Alex O’Loughlin’s part-time love interest, full-time Homeland Security Officer Lori Wilson, a character that sources describe as a female McGarrett.
Ridiculously excited for FALLING SKIES. Especially curious as to what the aliens beef is with us poor humans. Any clues? — Jay
The TV Addict: Funny story actually. During our recent visit to the set of the upcoming ABC/Global TV series COMBAT HOSPITAL, we happened to lunch with someone intimately involved with FALLING SKIES which coincidentally enough shot many of their scenes on the very same lot. Much to our surprise, said source was perhaps a little too excited about what’s in store for FALLING SKIES fans, to the point where he actually went as far as to reveal how the season ends! And while we’re not about to spoil that gem, we will say that those pesky arachnid-style aliens who come down to earth to enslave humanity’s youth… well, they might just be the least of the planet’s problems.
Recently you teased that there may be a “bun in the oven” for one member of Vinnie’s ENTOURAGE. Were you being serious? — Bruce
The TV Addict: About as serious as Vinnie is, who we here will soon be shopping for rings of the Karat variety.
Any word on who will be replacing Saffron Burrows on THE FINDER? — Cassie
The TV Addict: No. Although we can confirm that Hart Hanson is currently on the look out to add two new females to the cast, Isabel and Willa. The latter being an ex-con who is forced to work at Leo’s bar as a condition of her parole, with the former playing a Deputy United States Marshall who not only has a history with our hero Walter, but a romantic one at that.
Rumor has it that the central mystery surrounding TORCHWOOD: MIRACLE DAY revolves around how the entire world suddenly stops dying. Of course knowing TORCHWOOD there must be a catch, care to elaborate? — Michael
The TV Addict: It would be our pleasure! The catch is that everybody in the world becomes immune to death… well, with the notable exception of one. Who that person is may-or-may-not surprise you. That said, one thing is for certain, it’s not Oswald Danes (brilliantly portrayed by Bill Pullman) who was scheduled to be executed on Miracle Day.
Any SHAMELESS scoop? — Jennifer
The TV Addict: Fans will be happy to know that when SHAMELESS finally does return, the small screen’s most resourceful family won’t have learned a thing from last season’s ridiculousness. While Lip helpsmake ends meet by commandeering an Ice Cream Truck to sell, well… anything but, Fiona will do a very poor bad job of putting her past relationships behind her by hooking up with Adam, a 27-year-old MBA who bares more than a passing resemblance to the departed Steve. Oh, and for those who are wondering the status of Ian’s relationship with Kash, you’ll be happy to know that Kash did keep his side of the bargain in terms of getting his beard wife Linda pregnant again. Read into that what you will.
As a huge fan of WHITE COLLAR I’m incredibly concerned that the Nazi U-Boat treasure will be too inciting for Neal. Is there any chance he won’t betray Peter? — Amber
The TV Addict: Truthfully we’re not sure. But if it helps, the decision to turn his back on Peter and the FBI isn’t one Neal Caffrey will be taking lightly. So much so that the tenth episode of the season entitled “Countdown” will have Mozie confronting Neal with an ultimatum of sorts that goes a little something like so, “I’ve been patient. Some might eve say door-mattish with understanding, but now you have to choose, Neal. Do you want to leave or not.”
Any word on how TERRA NOVA is shaping up? For such a huge gamble on behalf of Fox, we’ve heard surprisingly little. — Nick
The TV Addict: Word, we’ve got tons of them. Unfortunately as a result of a gentlemen’s agreement we’ve made with our very good friends over at FOX — who curiously enough seem to be taking a page from the J.J. Abrams school of less-is-more when it comes to publicizing TERRA NOVA — we are not at liberty to share the glowing review our very own West Coast correspondent extraordinaire Tiffany Vogt sent us following her exclusive screening on the FOX lot.
Additional Reporting By Tiffany Vogt.
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